Entrepreneurs and Professionals (EP)
Entrepreneurs and Professionals (EP)


Entrepreneurs and Professionals (EP)

Most people often start out life, career or business in life without the knowledge of who they really are. This is a huge challenge for a whole lot of people when it comes to clarity and purpose. Deep seated in them is a desire to engage in transforming conversation that resonates their uniqueness. Over the years through a client centered approach as a Business Connector many crucial decisions have been resolved for Entrepreneurs, and Professionals who have made contact for guidance during dynamic moments of transition.


I am committed to empowering people to become champions in their niches. I connect and engage in one-on-one sessions personalized to perfectly match individual’s peculiar need, whether it’s to discover the best career for you, reach your full potentials in your current job or live a wealthy lifestyle. 


The Discovery Strategy Session is exciting, insightful and designed to get you going. People often think of a strategy session as a time set aside for planning, with a long list of tasks, dates, and resources.

At what stage is your business?

Some say the Discovery Strategy Session where an organization’s vision is developed or best practices are implemented.

If my expertise (People. Strategies. Systems) applies to your issues, then the Discovery Strategy Session is a means to an end which is your outcome.

At what stage is your business?

✅1. Do you need to start and get the first 10 customers?
✅ 2. Do you need to get the first 100 customers?
✅ 3. Do you want to grow to 1000+ customers?
✅4. Are you ready to scale 10,000 and beyond?

ONE HOUR STRATEGY SESSION is customized for you. 

Are you struggling with specific parts of your personal, professional, or organizational development? Do you need to create customized documents (i.e., profile, proposals, coffee table books etc.)?

You’ll be able to:

  • Understand yourself and your strengths better and what suits you best
  • Set clear and workable goals
  • Scale through your thought hurdles, beliefs and other physical and mental obstacles.
  • Map out a personalized session that matches your needs, objectives, and lifestyle.
  • Take action to
  • Get your results
  • Experience a transformational impact in your job, leadership and personal life.

It feels special living in your strength zone. It feels like a fish in water and a bird in the sky – simply living in your natural habitat! When you live and work in your strength zone, you will feel calmer, more energized, motivated, satisfied and fulfilled. 

For budding and existing entrepreneurs

Our entrepreneurship coaching session is targeted at budding and existing entrepreneurs. They help them identify their ‘unique builder’s talent and become champions of healthy organizations.

The identification of builder talent began with the close and methodical study of high-performing business leaders. The researchers focused particularly on the mindset, traits and behaviours that top-level builders habitually exhibit.

Analyzing the information gathered, an extensive Gallup research identified the innate talents common to builders and the specific behaviours of each talent that ultimately lead to successful business outcomes in a business-building role.


Some of the key research findings of the study include:

  • 40% of startups shut down in the first 3 years.
  • 50% of startups don’t make it past 5 years.
  • Only 4 in 10,000 startups become large enterprises.

Conversely, on the subject of building sustainable businesses, the research also shows that businesses built on the principles of Strengths Intervention are:

  • 4x more likely to create jobs.
  • 4x more likely to excel.
  • 3x more likely to build large businesses and grow them significantly.
  • 5x more likely to exceed sales goals.
Budding and existing entrepreneurs
Budding and existing entrepreneurs
Budding and existing entrepreneurs2
Budding and existing entrepreneurs2

The strength zone will excite, inspire and energize you. Things sound and work smoothly when you operate from your strength zone - like you’re in perfect harmony with your true self.


Your success in work and life will take off rapidly and you will feel a lot happier, fulfilled and secure in the process. And it gets better: In addition to feeling truly successful, you will also feel better inspired, committed and fulfilled.


Each person has a strengths zone. Never think you don’t. It’s our responsibility to help you find, identify, harness and maximize your strengths zone to help you live a richer, more fulfilled and successful life in both your professional and personal life. Together, we will help you discover your true purpose from your unique place of strength so you can feel the thrill of living the experience.


Schedule your free consultation today to find out more about our Entrepreneurship Coaching Programme.